Montag, 02. Mai 2016, 10:00 - 18:00 iCal
Out of Africa
Early childhood in the rural area around Zomba in Malawi
Senatssaal der Universität Wien
Universitätsring 1 , 1010 Wien
Tagung, Konferenz, Kongress, Symposium
Weitere Termine
Dienstag, 03. Mai 2016, 10:00 - 18:00
In Africa, entire communities might take care of children, yet in European countries, mothers believe that staying at home with an infant would be much better than leaving the infant with other people. European parents simply believe that multiple caretaking can overburden an infant and that social competencies of young children might develop better in the socially manageable contexts of a small family. In the European core families, thus, mothers instruct their children in a focused dyadic way, in order to enforce cultural learning. This is the theoretical background of the workshop. Through two excursions in the rural areas around Zomba in Malawi, carried out in 2011 (from the 4th of October to the 12th of December) and in 2013 (from the 14th of September to the 7th of December) seven master students explored issues that will presented at the workshop; such as
(A) What daily routines do children experience typically in Malawi? What type of care do young children in which Malawian families perceive?
(B) What do Malawian mothers feel and think about their children?
(C) How much time does the mother and do other caretakers invest into raising a child in the rural areas around Zomba?
(D) What do mother-child attachments look like in Malawi? Do children develop attachments towards significant others?
(E) How are the children developed, especially in regard to their social skills?
The two excursions were supported by the University of Vienna (International department; Division of scholarships for short-term stays abroad), by the University of Zomba/Malawi and funded privately. Last excursion did extent the program of the first one by three junior researchers including two from the first excursion and 7 master students (Andrea Poppe, Anna Theissing, Hanna Luttenberger, Sabrina Leodolter, Jasmin Niederwolfsgruber, Melanie Sophie Leidwein and Sarah Salmhofer). This time, Limbika Maliwichi-Senganimalunje (Head of Department of Psychology at Chancellor College) helped with 9 students Lloyd Nyirenda, Tawonga Chiwanga, Naomi Mughogho, Agatha Chitanda, Leah Mziya, Gilbert Boohzha, Salim Mapila, Lewis Chiwana and Chikondi Kateta) to carry out the research in seven villages around Zomba (These villages were Saidi, Bakali, Mwenyemasi, Matuta, Mtwiche, M'malisye, Gowelo and Mikundi.).
We explored N=90 families and delivered interesting data sets on attachments and child development, which are currently the foundation for the master theses of the 8 students involved. The workshop will demonstrate the major results, and open up discussion on the importance of cross-cultural research.
These issues will be accompanied by three high-ranking international researchers from cross-cultural research: Carol Worthman (Emory University/USA), German Posada (Purdue University/USA) and Avi Sagi-Schwartz (University of Haifa/Israel).
Um Anmeldung wird gebeten
Mag. Sarah Salmhofer
Fakultät für Psychologie
Inst. f. Angewandte Psychologie: Gesundheit, Entwicklung und Förderung, AB Entwicklungspsychologie
Erstellt am Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2016, 10:08
Letzte Änderung am Mittwoch, 23. März 2016, 09:20