Montag, 01. Dezember 2014, 16:00 - 17:30 iCal

Intergovernmentalism and EU governance

Inter-departmental Workshop: The new intergovernmentalism and institutional change in EU governance

Speaker: Uwe Puetter (Professor in Public Policy, Jean Monnet Chair and Director of the Center for European Union Research, Central European University, Budapest)

Aula am Campus der Universität Wien
Spitalgasse 2-4 / Hof 1.11, 1090 Wien

Seminar, Workshop, Kurs

Uwe Puetter's new book 'The European Council and the Council: New intergovernmentalism and institutional change' (Oxford University Press, 2014) provides a new perspective on the European Council and the Council of the EU that embody the new intergovernmentalism in EU governance. He identifies an integration paradox: member states are eager to foster integration, but only outside the community method. As a consequence, national governments increasingly engage in non-legislative decision-making geared towards permanent consensus-seeking and prefer direct involvement at all stages of the EU policy process. This undermines and modifies the role of traditional supranational institutions – notably the Commission and the Court of Justice – in prominent areas including economic governance, common foreign, security and defence policy as well as employment and social policy. The lecture illustrates the process of institutional change with reference to the EU’s key forums for intergovernmental decision-making: the European Council and the Council of the EU.


Verica Trstenjak (Department of European, International and Comparative Law, University of Vienna),

Josef Melchior (Department of Political Science, University of Vienna)

Moderator :

Zdenek Kudrna (Institute for European Integration Research, University of Vienna)


Institut für europäische Integrationsforschung (EIF)


Brigitte Pircher
Universität Wien
Institut für europäische Integrationsforschung (EIF)