Mittwoch, 19. Juni 2024 - Freitag, 28. Juni 2024 iCal

Eyes on the War

Exhibition about the Russian War against Ukraine

Corridor in front of the main entrance of the University Library, University of Vienna
Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna



Mon–Fri 6:00–22:00, Sat 7:00–19:00

The Russian War against Ukraine: Humanitarian, Legal, Political Aspects.

The two photographers Konstantyn & Vlada Liberov and their story
Before the full-scale invasion, Odessa photographers Konstantin and Vlada Liberov shot sensual love stories, star portraits and wedding photos. Starting from February 24, the character and mood of their photographs changed dramatically. Instead of cheerful, smiling faces, destroyed buildings, civilians sufferring from Russian aggression, and heroic figures of military and volunteers appeared in the photos. The war awakened in Konstantin and Vlada the desire to show the whole world the cruel reality in which Ukrainians live today.

About the traveling exhibition "Eyes on the War"
A series of printed photographs combined with individual stories delve into some of those crimes, offering an in-depth understanding. The exhibition gives back faces and names to Ukrainians that have turned into statistics. It brings back people to numbers and within the overwhelming amount of crimes, offers some of the victims a place to speak and share their stories.

The photo exhibition is open to the public until 28 June 2024.


UAA, Office of the President of Ukraine, Embassy of Ukraine, IRE, Diplomatische Akademie, BMJ


Corporate Communications
University of Vienna
+43 1 4277 17500