Montag, 17. Juni 2013, 19:00 - 21:00 iCal
Solidarity and the Concept of “the Internationals”
Vortrag von Linda Tabar
Seminarraum IE , Erdgeschoss, Institut für Afrikawissenschaften
Spitalgasse 2, Hof 5, 1090 Wien
Tracing the rise of the local concept of “the internationals,” which emerged during the second intifada, this lecture explores the way the notion and praxis of solidarity with the Palestinian struggle has changed overtime, in relation to both the transformation of the Palestinian national liberation movement post-Oslo, and the way globally circulating liberal discourses have changed the nature of international solidarity in a period of neoliberal capitalism. It will seek to get a sense of what is at stake in the shift from the politics of the 1970’s,
when solidarity with and between third world liberation movements was centered on joint struggle, to the new notion and the forms of solidarity that are being practiced today, and the types of relations, politics and subjectivities they enact and produce. Analyzing the ambivalences and ambiguities inherent in the concept of the internationals, which vacillates between referring to European and Northern American solidarity activists, and denoting all of the foreign aid workers who live and work in the occupied territories, I will aim to shed light on the new hegemonies that are competing to fill the political space once fully occupied by the Palestinian national liberation movement and its radical liberatory consciousness. In a period of global neoliberal capitalism, when an assemblage of NGO aid workers, human rights regime, political tourism and liberal cosmopolitanism mediate local-global encounters, I argue that liberal imperial hegemonies have redefined international solidarity in a way that conceals global structures of dominance, and threatens to replace a tradition of radical political solidarity with the Palestinian struggle that is based a shared anti-colonial, antiracist, and anti-imperialist politics.
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Institut für Internationale Entwicklung
Lydia Steinmassl
Institut für Internationale Entwicklung
Erstellt am Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2013, 11:58
Letzte Änderung am Freitag, 14. Juni 2013, 09:27