Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2013, 18:30 - 20:30 iCal

The Satirical Journal YALT-YOLT: a Most Iconoclastic "Voice" of Muslim Modernity.

Wednesday Seminar

Seminarraum A, Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie
Universitätsstraße 7, 4. Stock, 1010 Wien


The presentation will draw on the findings of the research for the book-length project tentatively entitled Muslim Visual Culture in Late Imperial Russia. It will, however, focus on discussing the role the Tatar satirical journal Yalt-Yolt played at the beginning of the twentieth century in extending the boundaries of Muslim modernity discourses by enriching the new ways of knowing and exploring the Self through the social medium and visual messages of cartoons.

Dr. Azade-Ayse Rorlich is a Professor of History and Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles.

She studies Russian and Eurasian social and cultural history, including the history of the Turkic Muslim peoples of Russia. Her special research interests include: the social history of Muslim women in late imperial Russia, the identity discourse of the Muslim modernizers, Muslim visual culture, as well as the socio-political and cultural landscape of the post-Soviet Turkic republics.

She is published a number of books and articles, amongst other “Ismail Gasprali’s French and African Letters”, Istanbul: Isis Press, 2008; “The Volga Tatars”, Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1986 (reprinted 2000 in Moscow and Istanbul; “Empire and Self. Sadri Maksudi’s Encounter with England”, in: K.Durukan, R. Zens, and A.Zorlu-Durukan (Eds.) Hoca, ‘Allame, Puits de Science (Istanbul: Isis Press, 2011) pp.159-174 and “Identities in Flux. The Mirror of Popular Culture: Kazakh Cinema at the end the Twentieth Century”, in: G. Rasuly–Paleczek and J. Katschnig, eds., Central Asia on Display; Vienna: LIT Verlag, Munster: 2004, pp.261-271

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Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie


Marie-Therese Filip
Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie
+43-1-42 77 495 02