Mittwoch, 19. April 2023, 18:30 - 20:00 iCal
Ringvorlesung Turkologie 2023SS
Canon, heritage and the nation: Narratives of modernity between past and future in Republican Turkey (1923-2023)
Institut für Orientalistik
Spitalgasse 2, Hof 4.1 (Campus), 1090 Wien
Martin Greve (Orient-Institut Istanbul)
The fundamental change of music and musical life in Turkey already began in the early 19th century with the beginning and still ongoing replacement of the traditional teaching method meşk by new emerging media including notation, later 78rpm records, teaching method books, radio, tv, audio cassettes; further by the foundation of public music institutions such as conservatories. Kemalist ideology loaded both Western and Turkish folk music with heavy ideological burdens, but also supported both, while the early Turkish Republic at the same time tryed to impede traditional Ottoman music. The urbanisation beginning in the 1950s (and slightly later, the growing international migration), brought Anatolian folk music into Turkish (and European) cities, and gave path to the emergence of new forms of hybrid popular music such as Anatolian Rock and in particular Arabesk. After the coup d'etat of 1980, a new wave of neo-capitalism opened the musical life further, in particular that of popular music (pop müzik, hiphop). At latest during the 1990s, a great number of musical revivals took places, most of them fostered by emerging identity discourses (Ottoman music, Armenian music, Alevi music, Kurdish music, Laz music, etc.). The 21st century witnessed a further enrichment of the already wide musical plurality in particular in the 'global city' Istanbul, however, more and more characterized by a strong commercialization. Over the first decades of being in power, the AKP hardly showed any serious interest in music, while the growing commercialization seems to limit the role of music more and more to the accompaniment of TV serials.
Martin Greve is a German ethnomusicologist based in Istanbul, Turkey. His doctoral thesis deals with the history of Turkish Art Music in the 20th century. His habilitation thesis is a study of Turkish music in Germany. Dr. Greve has taught various courses on ethnomusicology and Turkish music as well as offered cross-cultural training at several universities and music academies in Germany and Switzerland, including TU Berlin, FU Berlin, Universität Basel, Musikhochschule Köln, and Universität Heidelberg. From 2005 – 2011 he was the coordinator of the Study Program of Turkish Music at the Rotterdam World Music Academy. From May 2011 - September 2018, Martin Greve was a research associate at the Orient Institut Istanbul responsible for the research field Music in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey. Since December 2020, he is directing the DFG-funded research project entitled Music, Migration and Musical Expression at the Orient-Institut Istanbul.
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Ayse Dilsiz Hartmuth
Institut für Orientalistik
Erstellt am Freitag, 03. Februar 2023, 11:45
Letzte Änderung am Mittwoch, 05. April 2023, 16:11