
Freitag, 03. November 2017, 13:00 - 19:00 iCal

Drittmitteltag / FWF Roadshow

Third party funding day

Großer Festsaal im Hauptgebäude der Universität Wien
Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien


The annual third party funding day 2017 will be focusing on national research funding possibilities. This years program will exclusively include the FWF roadshow.


The newly appointed president of the FWF Klement Tockner will present his vision of the funding landscape in a keynote speech as well as in personal debates at the round tables.

Furthermore a panel discussion will be held with focus on the future of research funding and shall provide an outlook on upcoming trends.

Following this, several round tables, chaired by representatives of the most important funding organizations, offer the possibility to engage in active discussion with peers in an informal settting.

To conclude this event a reception will provide the perfect opportunity for further networking.

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DLE Forschungsservice und Nachwuchsförderung

Um Anmeldung wird gebeten


Michael Wimmer
DLE Forschungsservice und Nachwuchsförderung
+43 1-4277-18234