Dienstag, 29. November 2016, 18:30 - 20:00 iCal

Ringvorlesung: "Gleichheit_en"

Mieke VERLOO (Niejmege): Away from democracy and gender equality? Current dynamics in Europe

Hörsaal B am Campus der Universität Wien
Spitalgasse 2-4 /Hof 2.8, 1090 Wien


There are many signs that opposition to gender and sexual equality in Europe is growing. How to understand this? How uneven is it across Europe and why, and where in Europe is opposition strongest? Where can we expect the highest impact and why? There are also many signs that democracy across Europe is endangered. How then to design new feminist strategies that can work in increasingly hostile political environments?

This talk will engage in outlining a proposal for a shift in research on gender+ and politics to more critical, comparative and inclusive studies that can support feminist and progressive politics. Central concepts and arguments are about the intersectionality of gender inequality, about the importance and improbability of future deep democracy in Europe, about the negative impact of institutional decline in international politics, and about linkages between the domain of politics and other domains.

Prof. Dr. Mieke Verloo is professor of comparative politics and inequality issues at the department of Political Science and is affiliated with the Institute for Gender Studies at the University Nijmege /The Netherlands. Together with Prof. Yvonne Benschop, she is director of the multidisciplinary research hotspot Gender and Power in Politics and Management. The analysis, development and design of gender equality policies in Europe is at the heart of her research, consultancy and teaching.

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Referat Genderforschung und Studienprogrammleitung Gender Studies


Mag.a Katrin Lasthofer
Universität Wien
Referat Genderforschung