Freitag, 27. November 2015, 09:00 - 20:00 iCal

Move on! Mobility meets (little) resistances

International Graduate Conference

magdas Hotel
Laufbergergasse 12, 1020 Wien

Tagung, Konferenz, Kongress, Symposium

Weitere Termine

Donnerstag, 26. November 2015, 14:30 - 20:30

Samstag, 28. November 2015, 09:15 - 16:00

Mobility is considered to be a crucial driving force in social, cultural, and political dynamics. In recent years, the notion of mobility has established itself as a multifaceted and complex subject across various academic fields and disciplines. Ever since the so-called mobility turn (Sheller/Urry 2006), the term stands for a paradigm shift in theory and research practice, aiming to leave behind static and dichotomous ascriptions, categories and frames of analysis, such as deterritorialization vs. sedentariness.

Though matters of and conflicts about mobility appear at first glance to be ubiquitous, scholarship faces the challenge of grasping the manifold and antagonistic conditions of mobility. New approaches still need to be found for exploring the contested territory of being and becoming mobile or immobile, as well as the hybrid forms that result from the interplay between these processes.

Whenever resistance is put up or met, it is structured by a fundamental ambivalence: it constrains mobility and channels opposing forces, but also mobilizes, brakes and even breaks, laying bare conflicting moments and movements. As soon as forces determining im/mobility become manifest, details and (little) formations of the resistant provide instructive insights for describing and questioning concepts, theories, phenomena and scopes of mobile action.

“Move on!” reflects the need to move further, transform, transfigure, develop, and maybe even leave behind academic commonplaces. But the title of the conference also puts the constellations of power that generate, enforce and presuppose mobility up for discussion.

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Forschungsplattform Mobile Cultures and Societies


Roman Kabelik
Forschungsplattform Mobile Kulturen und Gesellschaften
+43 1 4277 25602