Mittwoch, 04. Dezember 2013, 18:30 - 20:00 iCal

Wednesday Seminar - Stephan Kloos

Re-Assembling Tibetan Medicine: The formation of a transnational Sowa Rigpa industry in contemporary India, China, Mongolia and Bhutan

HS-C, Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie (NIG)
Universitätsstraße 7, 4. Stock, 1010 Wien


'Traditional medicine' has recently emerged from a marginalized position to become a rapidly expanding and highly innovative multi-billion dollar global industry. However, despite growing academic, economic and public interest in the 'traditional' pharmaceutical industry, we know little about its larger dynamics, shape, and wider consequences. This ERC Starting Grant project aims to fill this gap by focusing on the Sowa Rigpa industry as a particularly illustrative and timely case.

In particular, this study will focus on Sowa Rigpa’s raw materials, pharmaceutical production, markets and legal administration as parts of a pharmaceutical assemblage. Like this, a hitherto non-existent ‘big picture’ of this complex phenomenon can be generated and linked to contemporary global society, economy and politics at large.

This five-year project will be carried out by an international, interdisciplinary team of four researchers based at the Institute for Social Anthropology at the Austrian Academy of Sciences.


Stephan Kloos received his PhD in medical anthropology from UC San Francisco and Berkeley in 2010, and has since worked at ISA in Vienna. He has worked on Tibetan medicine for over 12 years, funded among others by Fulbright, the Wenner-Gren Foundation, the FWF, and an EU Marie Curie Fellowship. For more information as well as open access to most of his publications, see

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Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie


Marie-Therese Filip
Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie
+43-1-42 77 495 02