Mittwoch, 09. Oktober 2013, 17:00 - 19:00 iCal

Who Cares About Equity? A Social Norm Revisited

Public Lecture by Univ.-Prof. Bernhard Kittel


Hörsaal H10
Rathausstraße 19, 1010 Vienna


We introduce a three-person redistribution game with preplay communication. Three focal points of the game are derived from different equity standards and Rawls' di fference principle. An experimental test con firms our hypothesis that equity in terms of effort-proportionality is not pursued at the group level. Only a large `middle class' and/or institutional hurdles that limit the power of the less productive prevent highly productive players from being expropriated.


Bernhard Kittel is professor of economic sociology at the University of Vienna since 2012. His research interests include group decisions and political economy, employing experimental, comparative, and statistical methods. He has held a research position at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, and professorships at the University of Bremen, the University of Amsterdam, and the University of Oldenburg. He is one of the academic convenors of the ECPR Methods School.


Department of Methods in the Social Sciences


Maria Schlechter
Fakultätszentrum für Methoden der Sozialwissenschaften
+43 1 4277 49901