Montag, 18. Mrz 2024, 09:00 - 17:00 iCal

Alternative Development Forum on Syria II

Final Conference "Transforming Knowledge on Transcending Conflict in Syria"

Alte Kapelle
Campus Universität Wien, 1090 Wien

Hybrider Event (an einem physischen Ort und online)

Weitere Termine

Sonntag, 17. Mrz 2024, 09:00 - 17:00

For 13 years, the ongoing Syrian conflict showed the failure of violence-based strategies imposed by local, regional and international warring actors. Through institutionalizing political tyranny, fragmenting societal relations, and investing in conflict economies, even the minimum of bearable living conditions for the Syrian population could not be achieved.

The strategies of political actors during the last few years showed their persistence to cause severe harm and damage for people, institutions and nature as human insecurities, inequalities, grave violations, and deprivation are on the rise. At the same time, there is an absence of any strategy to overcome the conflict in a just and sustainable manner, yet few proposals appeared that call for the normalization with tyrannical forces and conflict elites.


The recent years witnessed another factors and events that complicated the scene in Syria and the region, such as the Russia aggression against Ukraine, global economy stagflation after COVID-19, Arab normalization with Israel “Abraham Accords”, the Earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria in February 2023, and most recently the Gaza’s catastrophe. These factors mountain the pressure on people and hinder the transformation towards peace and justice.


Considering these enormous challenges, the Forum assures the importance of the independent, participatory, and critical knowledge production that is associated with expanding the role of the society to form the pathways and processes that fulfill the people's aspirations and interests. This form of knowledge production can support establishing the public spaces for Syrians to design their alternative future and expand the social congruences as the first step to overcome the foundation of the conflict.


This Forum will capitalize on the first development forum held in December 2022, the participants (60+) discussed several themes and policies that need to be developed, emancipatory citizenship and political transformation, social and solidarity economy, integrated development strategies, research methodologies within the Syrian conflict.

To accumulate on this process, this year the forum will focus on the question of building societal foundations to transcending conflict and will present recent research work on concepts such as solidarity, identity politics, human security, trust and cooperation. The research outputs will function as a tool to discuss inclusive and Syria-led development as a perspective to work towards a just future.


The Development Forum 2024 accumulates on the efforts of the Syrian civil society. It aims to develop societal paths and evidence-based alternatives aligned with societal priorities. These alternatives can influence a broader national dialogue to overcome the conflict. This forum will foster a continuous process that aims to expand the research and dialogue efforts to pursue the desired goals.


The overall objective of the forum is an evidence-based public dialogue as a path to reclaim the role of Syrian society to transcend the conflict.


Institut für Internationale Entwicklung


Rabie Nasser
Universität Wien
Institut für Internationale Entwicklung