Freitag, 09. Dezember 2022, 13:00 - 15:00
(Vorläufiger Termin)

Invited HEAS Lecture

Archaeologists of the World Unite! Why We Need to Pay Attention to Pseudoarchaeology Today



A Netflix series called “Ancient Apocalypse” is current in the news and on social media. The show follows presenter and author Graham Hancock as he presents his pet theory that an advanced Ice Age civilisation once existed that was destroyed by a cataclysmic flood more than 10,000 years ago. Hancock’s thesis holds that ‘mainstream academia’ is conspiring to hold back these facts because they would overturn decades of patient and careful archaeological field work and research.

How concerned should we be about this attack on archaeology and the dangers of what has become known as “pseudo archaeology”? In a world that is increasingly beset by ‘fake news’ and attacks on experts, conspiracy theories abound, but how dangerous is fake archaeology and what is at stake here?

Dr Flint Dibble is one archaeologist of many that has been active is pushing back against these forms of ‘pseudo archaeology’ and drawing attention to the dangers they pose. HEAS is delighted to welcome Flint to talk to us online about this very current issue.

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Maeve Nic Samhradain
(+43) 01 - 4277-54757