Freitag, 16. September 2022, 09:30 - 16:30 iCal

Landscape and General Ecology


Institut für Kunstgeschichte | Seminarraum 1 (EG)
Spitalgasse 2, Campus Hof 9 | Zugang Garnisongasse 13, 1090 Wien

Seminar, Workshop, Kurs

Weitere Termine

Samstag, 17. September 2022, 10:00 - 15:00

Ecocritical art history poses challenge to anthropocentric, androcentric and exploitative paradigms that reduce the alterity of nature. In particular, the technique of linear perspective, so crucial for the European tradition, comes under scrutiny. This international workshop gathers participants active in the emerging field of research in art practices, art history and environmental studies, working in different cultural contexts and across several historical periods. What forms of (re)presentations of physical spaces, environments and ecologies will be relevant for an ecocritical analysis? How do these forms of the artistic (re)presentation relate to epistemology and ontology of ‘nature’ today?



16 September

09.30-10.00 Welcome. Sebastian Egenhofer, Natalia Ganahl, Olga Smith

10.00-11.00 Rachael Z. DeLue (Princeton University), New Visualities: Landscape Vision and Things that Do Not See

11.00-13.00 Panel 1

Olga Smith (University of Vienna), The “Terror” of the Sublime

André Rottmann (Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt), The Possibility of an Island: Notes on the Operative Ecologies of Pierre Huyghe's Variants (2022 -)

14.30-16.30 Panel 2

Natalia Ganahl (University of Vienna / HSE Moscow), Perspective Figurations in USSR in Construction (1930-1941)

Posthuman Studies Lab: Nikita Sazonov, Ekaterina Nikitina (independent), Quick Guide for Creating Feral Automated Systems


17 September

10.00-12.00 Panel 3

Yvonne Volkart (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland), Being Concerned: Sensing a Damaged Forest

Beate Gütschow (Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln), The Power of Photographic Spaces

13.00-15.00 Panel 4

Hannah Baader (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz) Landscape and Possession. The Alps, Ecology, and Art 1824 and 1937

Sebastian Egenhofer (University of Vienna), Grid and fractal in the etchings of Hercules Segers


Sebastian Egenhofer (University of Vienna), Natalia Ganahl (University of Vienna), Olga Smith (University of Vienna)


Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Universität Wien
0043 1 42 77 41413