Freitag, 23. September 2022, 08:00 - 16:00 iCal

GF 2022

International Conference on Generalized Functions

Fakultät für Mathematik
Oskar-Morgenstern Platz 1, 1090 Wien


Weitere Termine

Montag, 19. September 2022, 08:00 - 16:00

The GF2022 aims at a broad coverage of research on generalized functions and their applications in and interactions with other areas of mathematics and mathematical physics. Topics include, but are not limited to:


Distributions, ultradistributions, hyperfunctions and algebras of

generalized functions

Linear and non-linear differential equations and stochastic analysis

Pseudodifferential operators and microlocal analysis

Geometric problems and non-linear distributional geometry

Applications in mathematical modeling and mathematical physics

Harmonic analysis, time-frequency analysis and function spaces

Functional analytic methods in the theory of generalized functions


Zur Webseite der Veranstaltung


Fakultät für Mathematik

Um Anmeldung wird gebeten


350 €


Martina Fellner
Fakultät für Mathematik
Institut für Mathematik
01 4277 50602