Freitag, 11. März 2022, 17:30 - 19:30 iCal
Psychoanalysis beyond the couch
in a nursery school and Parent-Toddler Group
Gastvortrag von
DDr. Inge-Martine Pretorius (London)
University College London / ehem. Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
Psychoanalysis beyond the couch - in a nursery school and Parent-Toddler Group
Freitag, 11. März 2022, 17.30-19.30 Uhr
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Meeting ID: 637 4990 6305 Passcode: 083355
Starting in Vienna in the 1920s, Anna Freud's first tentative attempts at observing children became a crucial component of the 'double approach' which integrated direct child observation with psychoanalytic reconstruction. This enabled the detailed study of unfolding developmental processes and the construction of a theory of normative as well as pathological child development. Her identification of disturbances that were developmental rather than neurotic led to the broadening of child analysis. Interventions aimed at freeing and supporting development rather giving insight, became known as ‘Developmental Therapy’. This presentation traces the evolution of Anna Freud's approach and its application in my work in a nursery school in a deprived area of London and in the Parent–Toddler Groups established at Anna Freud's Hampstead Clinic in London. The presentation will be illustrated with seldom-seen archive photos.
Der Gastvortrag ist öffentlich und kann online ohne Voranmeldung mitverfolgt werden.
Dekan Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wilfried Datler, Mag. Sonja Scheidl
Institut für Bildungswissenschaft
Arbeitsbereich Psychoanalytische Pädagogik
Erstellt am Freitag, 04. März 2022, 11:28
Letzte Änderung am Mittwoch, 30. März 2022, 19:12