Donnerstag, 24. Februar 2022, 10:30 - 11:45 iCal

UNICA Green & SDGs Webinar

“Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Academic Networks”

Promoted by the University of Vienna


Online Event

Partnerships have been described as the glue for implementing actions to address the UN SDGs, and Universities are in a unique position to support society to address the SDGs, through their capacity to develop and share knowledge, skills and research. Partnerships are key to this, both within universities, across the academic sector and beyond with civil society and industry.

This webinar will highlight how universities are supporting partnerships between academic disciplines, demonstrating how multi-disciplinary collaborations and networks can strengthen the impact universities are delivering for society through research and other means.

The webinar will provide an opportunity to learn about how the University of Edinburgh and the University of Vienna are supporting collaborations between academics from multiple disciplines through two case studies:

The University of Vienna will present its Environmental Research Network, which connects over 250 environmental researchers across all levels and disciplines and fosters dialogue amongst them, with the public, and key stakeholders, to transfer and integrate the multi-faceted knowledge needed to solve the complex crises of our time.

The University of Edinburgh will share how the new Edinburgh Earth Initiative aims to bring together expertise from across the University and work with global partners to deliver ambitious solutions to address the climate crisis.

UN SDG 17 is about partnership for the goals, strengthening the means of implementation and revitalising the global partnership for sustainable development.

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UNICA Green & SDGs, promoted by the University of Vienna

Um Anmeldung wird gebeten


Julia Gram
Universität Wien