Dienstag, 26. Januar 2021, 15:00 - 17:00 iCal
Marie Jahoda's Legacy
Panel discussion | 10th Marie Jahoda Winter School of Sociology "Research and Activism"
Online Event
To mark the 10th anniversary of the Marie Jahoda School at the Department of Sociology of the University of Vienna, the panel discussion will explore the legacy of Marie Jahoda both in her capacity as a social scientist and a political activist. The contributions will cover her life and work in the context of the Austro-Marxist movement, the Austro-fascist dictatorship and the development of social sciences in the 1920s and 1930s in Vienna. A particular focus will be on Marie Jahoda's work on unemployment and its legacy in today's socio-psychological research in this area.
Brendan Burchell (University of Cambridge, UK)
Julia Hofmann (Chamber of Labour Vienna, Austria)
Marie-Noelle Yazdanpanah (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital History, Austria)
Jörg Flecker (University of Vienna)
Zur Webseite der Veranstaltung
Institut für Soziologie, digit, AK Wien
Irene Rieder
Institut für Soziologie, Universität Wien
+43 (0)1 4277 49250
Erstellt am Montag, 18. Januar 2021, 10:26
Letzte Änderung am Donnerstag, 21. Januar 2021, 09:40