Montag, 16. September 2019, 09:00 - 20:00 iCal

Aging & Social Change Conference

Ninth Interdisciplinary Conference

Universität Wien
Währingerstraße 29, 1090 Wien


Weitere Termine

Dienstag, 17. September 2019, 09:00 - 20:00

Rising inequality, human migratory flows, and global climate change are the features which, more than any others, define the world in which we live at the start of the twenty-first century. Meanwhile, trends toward globalization and transnational integration have slowed, while new nationalisms and isolationist thinking have arrived on the scene. In different social groups, individual life courses are affected by these social changes in specific and varied ways. These are the contexts in which societies around the world need to meet the challenges of aging populations. The 2019 Aging and Social Change Conference will explore the interconnections between these key features in the contemporary landscape. It will explore the ways in which aging, as a vector of in/equality, impacts social participation over the life course. In these times of new nationalism, what kinds of policies and practices should we be developing for an aging population?

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Institut für Soziologie, Universität Wien

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Vera Maria Gallistl
Institut für Soziologie
+43 (1) 4277-49214