Mittwoch, 13. März 2019, 13:15 - 14:15 iCal
Einladung zu einem Gastvortrag
Structured assessments of mental status: A help or a waste of time?
Dr. Steve Moss, Estia Centre, King's College, London
HS A NIG (Neues Institutsgebäude), 6. Stock
Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien
Structured assessments of mental status: A help or a waste of time?
Checklists and more complex methods for collecting information on psychiatric symptoms have been around for a very long time. They are frequently used in research studies, but in routine clinical work their status tends to be more questionable. Certainly, the tasks of making diagnoses and case formulations tend to be done primarily on the basis of expert clinical opinion that is relatively unstructured. Is this the best way to proceed? Could we all benefit from adding structure to our assessments, or would this simply be a waste of time? Are structured assessments more important if the patient has intellectual disability?
In this talk I will attempt to provide some answers to these this question, drawing primarily on my experience of training practitioners around the world on the assessment of mental health in adults and children. What do we really need to find out if we are to understand someone’s mental health problems, and what are the best ways of getting that information?
Fakultät für Psychologie, Institut für Angewandte Psychologie: Gesundheit, Entwicklung und Förderung
Ass.Prof. Dr. Giorgia Silani
Fakultät für Psychologie
Inst. f. Angewandte Psychologie: Gesundheit, Entwicklung und Förderung, AB Klinische Psychologie des
Erstellt am Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2019, 16:36
Letzte Änderung am Montag, 25. Februar 2019, 11:40