Mittwoch, 26. April 2017, 18:15 - 20:00 iCal

Chinese Labour Movement

The Role of Female Workers

SIN 1, Institut fuer Ostasienwissenschaften
Spitalgasse 2 Hof 2 Entrance 2.3, 1090 Wien


This lecture/seminar will examine the role of female workers in the Chinese

labour movements. The core questions will be discussed in this lecture are:

1. Has China transformed itself from the world factory sweat shop to an

industrial upgraded country?

2. What are the social changes of the industrial relations in China? This

part will include the trade union and the development of grass-root labour


3. More importantly, what have female workers contributed to the above

changes, if there has been any changes in China’s industrial relations from

1949 till present?


Vienna Center for Taiwan Studies


Astrid Lipinsky
University of Vienna
4277 43844