Donnerstag, 21. April 2016, 18:30 - 20:00 iCal

Skopje 2014

and Growing Authoritarian Rule in Macedonia

IPW lecture by Bojan Blazevski (Saints Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje)

Konferenzraum am Institut für Politikwissenschaft, A222
Universitätsstraße 7, 2. Stock, 1010 Wien


‚Skopje 2014’ is a comprehensive, publicly funded architecture project, aiming at giving the capital Skopje – to put it neutrally - a new appearance. In the course of the project, various government buildings as well as museums, numerous monuments and statues depicting historical figures of (ancient) Macedonian history were erected. Oftentimes described as nationalistic historical kitsch, Skopje 2014 was heavily criticised due to its immense costs, which have already risen from 80 million to over 600 million Euros. Furthermore, the government has been accused for its non-transparent proceeding as well as large-scale corruption.


In his presentation, Bojan Blazevski (political scientist and journalist, Saints Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje) provides first-hand information about processes, actors and aims of Skopje 2014. In particular, he elaborates on the decision-making process, the lack of transparency, and the undemocratic proceeding. Eventually the project does not only represent growing authoritarian tendencies in crisis-ridden Macedonia, it also mirrors a general development in the region of Eastern and Southeast Europe.


Institut für Politikwissenschaft


Johannes Starkbaum
Universität Wien
Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Wien
+ 43 1 4277