Donnerstag, 10. Dezember 2015, 16:15 - 18:00 iCal
"Pattern Recognition in Total Synthesis"
Prof. Dr. Dirk Trauner / Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München/ Deutschland
Joseph Loschmidt Hörsaal der Fakultät für Chemie
Währinger Straße 42, 1090 Wien
Pattern Recognition in Total Synthesis
Natural products continue to inspire synthetic chemist with their structural beauty and functional sophistication. I will discuss the synthesis of a variety of terpenoids, polyketides, alkaloids and phenolic natural products that have recently occupied our minds. Some of them were assembled though crafty biomimetic cascades whereas others were reached through decidedly non-biomimetic strategies that often included an element of surprise. I will provide insight into the creative process that underlies synthetic design and will emphasize the importance of pattern recognition in planning multistep syntheses.
Short Bio: Dirk Trauner was born and grew up in Linz, Austria. After studying biology and biochemistry at the University of Vienna, he joined Professor Johann Mulzer’s group at the Free University of Berlin to pursue natural product synthesis. Subsequently, he became a postdoctoral fellow with Professor Samuel J. Danishefsky at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. In 2000, Dirk joined the University of California, Berkeley, where he rose through the ranks to become an Associate Professor of chemistry (with tenure). In the summer of 2008, he moved to the University of Munich, where he currently resides as a Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. His research interests range from organic synthesis and natural product chemistry to chemical neurobiology, optogenetics and photopharmacology.
Fakultät für Chemie, Institut für Organische Chemie
Brigitte Schwarz
Fakultät für Chemie der Universität Wien
Erstellt am Mittwoch, 09. Dezember 2015, 11:05
Letzte Änderung am Freitag, 11. Dezember 2015, 07:30