Donnerstag, 25. Januar 2024, 09:30 - 19:00 iCal

Making Kin

Inter-Species Relationships in Posthumanist Thought

University of Vienna, Main Building (Stiege 7, 1. ZG), Büro Horn (ZG2O1.153)
Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien

Seminar, Workshop, Kurs

In this workshop, we will explore from a posthumanist perspective how humans are constantly and inevitably entangled with the more-than-human. Companion species of all sorts will enter into the conversation as our international group of speakers reflect on microbes, sympoiesis, the biology of subjects, planetary animals, oceans and posthuman semiosis.

The workshop will take place in a hybrid format, you can participate in person or online via Zoom. Attendance is free.

Please register via e-mail to:



9:30 Eva Horn (University of Vienna) - Welcome and Introduction

10:00 Keynote: Bruce Clarke (Texas Tech University) - Sympoiesis as Natural Technicity: The Allegory of the Lichen

11:30 Coffee Break

12:00 Andreas Weber (Universität der Künste Berlin) - Organisms as Selves, Organisms as Others. Francisco Varela and the Birth of a Biology of Subjects

13:00 Lunch Break

14:30 Roland Borgards (Goethe University Frankfurt) - Planetary Animal Studies and Kim Stanley Robinson's The Ministry for the Future

15:30 Coffee Break

16:00 Hannes Bergthaller (Taipei Normal University) - How Oceans Think: Posthuman Semiosis in Ray Nayler's The Mountain in the Sea

17:00 Coffee Break

17:15 Nicole Sütterlin (Harvard University) - Making Kin with Microbes? The Microbiome in the Posthuman Novel

18:30 Conclusion

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Vienna Anthropocene Network

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Eva Spiegelhofer
Vienna Anthropocene Network