Mittwoch, 19. Juni 2024, 16:15 - 17:45 iCal

ie.talks: Nicole Doerr

Images translating Science, Earth, and Visual Imaginaries of Climate Justice on Digital Media: Fridays for Future

Seminar room SG2
Sensengasse 3/1, 1090 Wien

Antrittsvorlesung, Public Lecture

Presentation by Nicole Doerr (University of Copenhagen) followed by discussion, chaired by Antje Daniel (Department of Development Studies)


How do FFF climate activists in Northern Europe translate the concrete concerns of climate justice movements from regions of the Global South? How do they convey the political imaginary of the "Global South" to socially disadvantaged young people in Germany, Spain or Sweden? How do anti-racist Fridays for Future communities in European societies use visual stories on interactive digital media to stimulate intercultural learning in dialog with climate justice movements from regions of the Global South? Nicole Doerr will consider these questions by analyzing interviews as well as netnographic and visual research findings from the EU collaborative study PolarVis (CHANSE-Digital Humanities). With a view to the emergence of hybrid global cultures of dialog of a good life and futures of democracy, Nicole Doerr examines the dissemination and translation of indigenous approaches to sustainability, the post-Anthropocene and the knowledge society in the affective relationship between human rights of nature and knowledge of nature/earth.

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Institut für Internationale Entwicklung


Studienassistenz IE
Department of Development Studies
+43-1-4277-641 19