Dienstag, 07. November 2023, 16:30 - 18:00 iCal

Vortrag von Eva HOLTANOVA

(Charles University Prague) / PERUN project


„Uncertainties of climate model outputs: from global to local scale“

The approaches to uncertainty assessment for the new generation of climate change scenarios over the Czech Republic incorporated within the PERUN project will be presented. Further related topics, e.g. internal climate variability assessment as well as issues connected to comparison of model outputs to observed data will be also discussed.


Vortrag im Rahmen des Meteorologisch-Geophysikalischen Kolloquiums.


To the online talk click here: univienna.zoom.us/j/66942796112

Room 2F513 (Exner-Raum)
Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2, UZA 2, 1090 Wien


To the online talk click here:

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Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik


Andreas Plach/Herta Gassner
Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik