Montag, 12. Oktober 2015, 16:45 - 18:15 iCal

Teacher Education through an Equity Lens

Vortrag von Prof. Elizabeth Kozleski (University of Kansas) im Rahmen der internationalen Ringvorlesung "Inklusive Pädagogik in der Sekundarstufe"

Hörsaal 33 (HS) im Hauptgebäude der Universität Wien
Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien


Inclusive education is an educational agenda that, in its ideal form, can transform educational policies, structures, and agencies. Its implementation demands new patterns and routines in what counts as education, the delivery of opportunities to learn, and the forms and processes of student participation. Indeed, inclusive education requires active engagement in reconceptualizing who belongs and is educated in local schools. Gender, ability, culture, religion, sexual orientation, language, ethnicity, race, life experiences, socio-economic status, and national origin have all served as sorting markers in schools and other social institutions. In inclusive schools, these socially constructed markers no longer serve as an officially sanctioned way of sorting or categorizing students while they simultaneously afford the development of identities in dynamic interplay with socialization processes within and outside of schooling. In this presentation, Prof. Kozleski advances the case for inclusive education as an education agenda for equity that redresses marginalization in many forms.

Eine deutsche Übersetzung des Vortrags erscheint im Begleitbuch zur Ringvorlesung: Biewer, Gottfried / Böhm, Eva Theresa / Schütz, Sandra (Hrsg.) (2015): Inklusive Pädagogik in der Sekundarstufe. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer

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Fakultät für Philosophie und Bildungswissenschaft sowie Zentrum für LehrerInnenbildung in Kooperation mit dem Stadtschulrat für Wien


Gottfried Biewer
Institut für Bildungswissenschaft
Arbeitsbereich Heilpädagogik und Inklusive Pädagogik
01-4277 46800