Mittwoch, 16. November 2016, 16:15 - 17:45 iCal

Transnational Gender Politics - Rirhandu Mageza

'It Should Not Be Only Our Responsibility' – Transnational Gender Politics in the Aftermath of Genocide - Vortrag von Prof. Rirhandu Mageza-Barthel, im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe des Instituts für Internationale Entwicklung

Seminarraum IE, Institut für Afrikawissenschaften
Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Wien


Women's representation and participation remains a controversial topic, not least because it bears on questions of social and political transformation also of relevance to the global South. Following the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi, when neither international nor local frameworks promised to address their plight, women in Rwanda took-on both the state and the international community under the most unlikely conditions. Their ad-hoc campaign simultaneously defied long-held assumptions, carefully contested the emerging order and pushed to challenge gender relations. The talk therefore focuses on a critical juncture in Rwandan women's political organisation that has laid the groundwork for further intervention.


Institut für Internationale Entwicklung


Katherine Agramonte Beltré
Institut für Internationale Entwicklung
01 4277 23901