Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2024, 18:00 - 20:00 iCal
Book Presentation: Entangled Future Im/mobilities
Final public event of the Research Platform Mobile Cultures and Societies and of the FWF DOC.funds program "Cultural Mobility Studies"
Buchpräsentation, Lesung
We are pleased to announce the publication of our final edited volume Entangled Future Im/mobilities: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Mobility Studies, published with transcript. Join us to celebrate our book on June 27, 2024, at 6 pm in Hofburg’s Schreyvogelsaal.
The editors will present the book, discuss the publishing process and answer questions. Short introductions to some of the chapters will illustrate the wide interdisciplinary range of topics on mobility studies in the humanities and social sciences featured in the book. Afterwards, a reception will provide further opportunity for discussion.
About the publication
How are im/mobilities articulated, imagined and practiced in relation to multiple futures? A critical examination of im/mobilities raises questions as to how power relations and crisis-driven futures enable, inhibit or prevent mobility, what meanings are culturally constructed around im/mobilities and how they are experienced. The contributors to this volume look at entangled future mobilities and immobilities using humanities and social science approaches in diverse examples: Afrofuturist poetry, de-extinction projects, dystopian novels, a Uruguayan planned relocation program, lives of rural Zambian women, climate adaptation in Morocco and Austrian financial literacy policy.
Zur Webseite der Veranstaltung
Research Platform Mobile Cultures and Societies
Research Platform Mobile Cultures and Societies
Research Platform Mobile Cultures and Societies
Erstellt am Montag, 06. Mai 2024, 15:00
Letzte Änderung am Dienstag, 07. Mai 2024, 09:06