Donnerstag, 30. November 2023, 18:00 - 19:30 iCal

u:japan lectures s07e07 - Atsushi Takeda

The Intersection of Travel, Work and Migration: Challenges and Prospects for the case of Niseko, a ski resort in Hokkaido

Department of East Asian Studies, Japanese Studies (2.4), Seminarraum 1
Spitalgasse 2, Hof 2.4 (Campus) , 1090 Vienna



After the peak of the ski boom in Japan during the 1990s, many ski resorts either retrenched or ceased operations. However, Niseko, one of the ski resorts in Hokkaido, was an exception. Since 2001, Niseko has been attracting international tourists, particularly from Australia, and has even been referred to as “Little Australia.” As a result, the area has taken on a more Western atmosphere, complete with English signage, Western-style restaurants, and cafes.


The influx of international tourists to Niseko has also created a demand for foreign workers to accommodate guests. During the ski season, a large number of temporary workers come to Niseko to work in the tourism sector. While this is temporary mobility, as they are employed seasonally, there are also people who migrate to Niseko, attracted by the lifestyle. This lecture examines the flow of people to Niseko and its impact on the community, highlighting the voices of local residents.


| BIO |

Atsushi Takeda is a Professor at Ritsumeikan University’s College of Social Sciences in Japan. His research interests include international mobility, migration, tourism, transnationalism, and popular culture. He has published book chapters and peer-reviewed articles on these topics in various journals, including Sociology Compass, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, Asian Anthropology, Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, and International Journal of Intercultural Relations. Additionally, he serves as an editorial board member for Qualitative Research and the Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies.


| Date & Time |

u:japan lecture | s07e07

Thursday 2023-11-30, 18:00~19:30


| Place & Preparations |

LIVE @ Campus of the University of Vienna

Department of East Asian Studies, Japanese Studies

Seminarraum JAP 1, 2K-EG-21, Ground floor to the left

Spitalgasse 2, Hof 2.4 (Campus), 1090 Vienna, Austria


| Further Questions? |

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Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften/Japanologie und AAJ (Akademischer Arbeitskreis Japan)


u:japan lectures
Department of East Asian Studies
Japanese Studies