Donnerstag, 07. Dezember 2023, 18:30 - 20:00 iCal
Repetition in the Diagnostic Handbook
Lecture by Eric Schmidtchen
Hörsaal (HS) am Campus der Universität Wien
Spitalgasse 2-4 / Hof 4.1, 1090 Wien
Eric Schmidtchen, postdoctoral researcher at the University of Vienna, is holding a lecture at the Institut für Orientalistik on December 7th. The topic will be the use of repetition devices in the so-called "Diagnostic Handbook", an ancient Babylonian medical treatise.
Eric Schmidtchen
Eric Schmidtchen
Institut für Orientalistik
Erstellt am Mittwoch, 15. November 2023, 15:46
Letzte Änderung am Donnerstag, 16. November 2023, 08:37