Montag, 10. Juli 2023, 18:00 - 19:00 iCal
Master Program "Human Rights"
Invitation to the online information event for the master program "Human Rights"
In the online information event you will have the chance to learn more about the structure, content, the experts and lecturers, and perspectives of the master program “Human Rights” offered at the University of Vienna from the scientific director Prof. Michael Lysander Fremuth.
If you are interested to join, please register at:
Zur Webseite der Veranstaltung
Universität Wien - Postgraduate Center
Um Anmeldung wird gebeten
Agnes Raschauer
Universität Wien - Postgraduate Center
M +43-1-4277-10838
Erstellt am Donnerstag, 22. Juni 2023, 12:12
Letzte Änderung am Montag, 26. Juni 2023, 09:40