Dienstag, 08. März 2022, 18:30 - 20:00 iCal

Globalised French and multilingual minorities

Vortrag von Prof. Mena B. Lafkioui (CNRS-LIER-FYT, Paris / École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe der Wiener Sprachgesellschaft.


Der Link wird nach Anmeldung (laura.grestenberger@univie.ac.at) verschickt.



Abstract: My paper addresses from a user-based sociolinguistic perspective the different formal and structural connections between language use and representation, social inscription and spatial anchoring of the "old" French-speaking people of Ghent in Belgium (Gantois francophones, once the French-speaking bourgeoisie with Flemish roots), in contrast to the evidence provided by the relatively "new" French speakers of Ghent, whose multilingual repertoires result from their heterogenic sociohistorical situations and migration trajectories. It is in the context of super-diversity, which characterises the city of Ghent, that the paper demonstrates how French – imagined or practiced – contributes to the construction and consolidation of collective "minority" identities of these francophone groups through language practices marked by what I call conventionalized heteroglossia (Lafkioui 2019, 2021). In doing so, the study demonstrates how French contributes to the phenomenon of "vernacular globalisation" (Appadurai 1996: 10; Blommaert 2010: 75).





Wiener Sprachgesellschaft

Um Anmeldung wird gebeten


Laura Grestenberger
Universität Wien
Institut für Sprachwissenschaft