Donnerstag, 10. Juni 2021, 18:30 - 20:00 iCal

Dante and Music (1): New Performative Paths

Gesprächskonzert mit englischsprachigem Vortrag und mehrsprachiger Diskussion

Jeremy Llewellyn (Universität Wien)

Baptiste Romain (Schola Cantorum Basiliensis), Ensemble Le Miroir de Musique

Institut für Musikwissenschaft, Hörsaal 1
Spitalgasse 2 (Campus Hof 9), 1090 Wien


Ever since the first commentaries on the Divina Commedia from the 1320s, Dante‘s poetic descriptions of musical performance have attracted attention and this has arguably intensified in modern Dante scholarship over the last century. Indeed, music has even been used as the key to interpreting the Commedia itself; Ciabbatoni (2010) follows Dante‘s path from the perverse music of Inferno via the sacred monophony of Purgatorio to the celestial polyphony of Paradiso. Alternatively, Phillips-Robins (2016) has suggested that the musical peformance of liturgical song as embodied knowledge signals the progression of sinful souls towards a collective transhumanity. These new approaches to musical performance primarily concern the mechanics and meaning of liturgical song within the Commedia; medieval practices around the instrumental accompaniment of secular song – a paradigm of monody exploited by Dante – remain a matter of lively debate.

Paths, progressions, and performance: these are the main focal points of this special event which marks the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri and represents a further collaboration between the Institute of Musicology at the University of Vienna and the specialist college for Early Music performance, the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis/FHNW. The hybrid event – comprising both live and specially pre-recorded music composed at the time of Dante – will seek to present the latest research on Dante and music together with recent developments in historical performance practice and a round table for general discussion (in English and German).


To participate in the event on-site, please register by sending an email to (registration deadline: 8.6.2021). Only a limited number of places is available and COVID-19 regulations will be observed (FFP2 mask, physical distancing, test certificate).

The event is also accessible online via Zoom:

Meeting-ID: 919 5694 6807; Kenncode: 061996



Die Veranstaltung wird hybrid abgehalten, so dass ein kleines Publikum unter Einhaltung der vorgeschriebenen COVID-19 Hygiene- und Verhaltensregeln vor Ort teilnehmen kann (FFP2-Maske, Abstand, Zutrittstest). Aufgrund der eingeschränkten Platzanzahl ist eine Anmeldung (bis 8. Juni 2021, Email an erforderlich.

Über folgenden Link ist die Veranstaltung auch online zugänglich (Zoom):

Meeting-ID: 919 5694 6807; Kenncode: 061996


Institut für Musikwissenschaft

Um Anmeldung wird gebeten


Sonja Tröster
Universität Wien
Institut für Musikwissenschaft
4277 - 442 69