Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2019, 18:30 - 20:00 iCal

Demokratie – Repräsentation – Geschlecht

Birte Siim (Universität Aalborg): Gendering Democracy, Equality and Representation - Revisiting Theories and Research

Hörsaal 32, 1. OG
Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien


This lecture revisits how feminist scholars' have gendered democracy, citizenship and representation in theory and research. It first looks at how feminist scholars have reframed the classical models of democracy: the liberal, participatory, deliberative and radical models focusing at the dimensions of representation, participation and deliberation.

Secondly it presents recent empirical research on democratic citizenship and political representation. One body of research has analysed the in/exclusion of women in political representation, for example though models of parity and quota. Another body of literature has analysed women's political mobilization and empowerment through social movements. Both bodies of literature have recently focused on arguments and opposition to gender equality and the inclusion of women in democracy from liberal, Conservative and Rightwing forces. Third it presents normative reflections about gendering democracy and social justice, especially the challenge of linking women's claims for representation/participation with claims for recognition and redistribution. It ends by discussing the intersectional challenge to gender democracy, equality and social justice focusing on the interface of gender with other inequality creating categories such as class, ethnicity/race and sexuality and the transnational challenge to gender not only local/regional and national but also transnational/EU sites.

Birte Siim ist emeritierte Professorin für Gender Studies in den Sozialwissenschaften am Institut für Kultur und Global Studies der Aalborg Universität, Dänemark. Ihre Fachgebiete sind Geschlechtertheorie und vergleichende Forschung zu Gleichberechtigung und Vielfalt in Europa. Sie hat ausführlich zur Intersektionalität, Staatsbürgerschaft, Demokratie, Migration / Multikulturalismus und den Wohlfahrtsstaat publiziert.

Die Ringvorlesung "Demokratie – Repräsentation – Geschlecht" ist eine Vortragsreihe des Referats Genderforschung zum Thema "100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht in Österreich" unter der Leitung von Birgit Sauer (Institut für Politikwissenschaft) und Maria Mesner (Institut für Zeitgeschichte/Referat Genderforschung).

Zur Webseite der Veranstaltung


Referat Genderforschung / Maria Mesner und Birgit Sauer


Dorith Weber
Universität Wien
Referat Genderforschung