Donnerstag, 30. Mrz 2017, 08:00 - 22:00 iCal

FAG-Workshop on Consumer Behavior

The challenges of culture!

Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Wien

Tagung, Konferenz, Kongress, Symposium

Weitere Termine

Freitag, 31. Mrz 2017, 08:00 - 22:00

Understanding consumer behavior as well as understanding consumer research traditions requires understanding the respective contexts. For consumer research, paradigms and schools of thought are an important foundation of the worldviews shared by different groups of researchers. Such schools can cross-fertilize themselves—however, only on condition that they are able to create a context in which researchers can meet and exchange their ideas about consumer behavior and consumer research. Francophone and German speaking countries formerly had rather different research traditions: For a long time, the language barrier inhibited the free flow of ideas between German and French groups of researchers as their scientific results were exclusively published in mother tongue journals. With this fifth edition of the French-Austrian-German workshop we intend to provide a platform for a fruitful scientific exchange and networking between francophone and German speaking researchers. We further invite researchers from all around the world who are interested in consumers and the context of their behavior.


In 2017, our workshop topic reflects the context of culture. “The challenges of culture!”—indeed, it holds true for understanding and predicting consumer behavior. We understand “culture” in a very broad sense: also different corporate cultures of companies, culture of different nationalities as well as subgroups, and gender diversity.


Contributions should focus on latest theory development and findings regarding consumer behavior in a cultural context. We invite theoretical, empirical, and methodological papers. Research applying qualitative methods is as welcome as quantitative and mixed methods research. The language of the workshop and of all submissions is English.


To encourage an intense scientific discussion we will keep the workshop small and allot plenty of time for the presentation and discussion of competitive papers (45 minutes). To encourage informal exchange and networking between researchers, we plan two special dinner events in Vienna: a “Heuriger Abend” in one of the oldest traditional Viennese Heurigen to provide participants a taste of Austria’s culture, and a closing banquet in one of the most beautiful restaurants in Vienna. The welcome reception will take place at the “Sky Lounge” at the University of Vienna.


After the previous workshops in Saarbrücken, Innsbruck, Paris, and Bayreuth we are very much looking forward to welcoming you in Vienna!

Zur Webseite der Veranstaltung


o. Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Dr. h.c. Udo Wagner

Um Anmeldung wird gebeten


Early-bird registration deadline: February 1st 2017

Regular workshop fee: 300 €

Ph.D. students: 240 €


Late registration deadline: March 1st 2017

Regular workshop fee: 340 €

Ph.D. students: 280 €


Sandra Pauser
Sandra Pauser
Lehrstuhl für Marketing