Mittwoch, 16. Oktober 2013, 18:30 - 20:00 iCal

Wednesday Seminar - Jamie Saris

Cosmopolitan Conundrums and Disciplinary Dilemmas – “Culture” as both an Object and a Stake in Anthropology

Hörsaal C, Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie (NIG)
Universitätsstraße 7, 4. Stock, 1010 Wien


Thomas Fillitz’ work embeds some challenging theoretical issues within deceptively straightforward analyses. For example, in his now long-term engagement with African artists negotiating the meanings of traditional and modern in their home contexts, while positioning themselves in Northern fine arts sites, such as high-end galleries, he examines some very productive juxtapositions -- of terms and meanings and of subject positions and agendas. The term “culture” is curiously central to Fillitz thinking – as much by its absence as by its presence. Traditional culture is a constructed stake in some of the contexts he explores, but many of his closest consultants also work in a hierarchical world of “high-culture” belonging to a transnational, thoroughly globalized elite. These two senses of the term, of course, are absolutely reliant on one another, and the artists that Fillitz knows best need to manage these tensions as they create the meanings and the products that reproduce the conditions of possibility of mutual understandings and mutual misunderstandings of such central concepts as “culture” and “art”.

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Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie


Marie-Therese Filip
Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie
+43-1-42 77 495 02