Donnerstag, 27. November 2014, 16:00 - 18:00 iCal

Assessment for Learning – the answer to all problems in assessing learning?

René Koglbauer (Newcastle University, England)

Zentrum für LehrerInnenbildung
Porzellangasse 4, Stiege 2, 3. Stock, 1090 Wien


Assessment for Learning – the answer to all problems in assessing learning?

Since 2002, Assessment for Learning has been part of every teacher’s life in England and Wales. The Assessment for Learning Strategy, a government strategy, was put into place to reach the aim of a world-class education system. The focus of this initiative was that teachers and learners themselves were aware of each individual learner’s strengths and weaknesses at any particular point of time.

The lecture will introduce the key aspects of the strategy and reflect critically on how effectively and successfully Assessment for Learning has been implemented in schools in England and Wales. The lecture will then focus on what other education systems, such as the Austrian system, can learn when implementing a more formative assessment approach into their system. It will also consider how the strategy developed.

In the discussion it might be worth exploring how the introduction of ‘Bildungsstandards’ have changed the approach to assessment (both formative and summative) in the Austrian classroom.

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Zentrum für LehrerInnenbildung

Um Anmeldung wird gebeten


Mag. Harald Edlinger
Zentrum für LehrerInnenbildung